Sunday, August 30, 2009

What About The Poor?? Senator Ted Kennedy was one of the last national politician to focus on the plight of those less fortunate, those struggling to survive, those homeless and hungry. When President Obama calls Kennedy the "soul of the Democratic Party" he was right on the money. But even more so, the soul of the country. The Reagan years began the focus on individual wealth and the hell with everyone else. The hope and promise that was a hallmark of the Kennedys has been replaced by hatred for government, disgust for the poor and overwhelming greed. Who will step up???

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tribute Ted Kennedy will be deeply missed by all lefties who believe in social justice, public service and an America that is respected and admired throughout the world. I'm still shocked that he is gone. Not that I didn't realize this was inevitable since the brain cancer was diagnosed but it is hard to imagine not having a Kennedy at the forefront of American politics. One thing that really struck me was the overwhelming sentiment that Ted Kennedy knew when he had to put his partisan hat aside and get down to the business of governing. Unfortunately, most of our representatives in Washington haven't learned this.

Of course, you can say that our elected representatives in general haven't learned it. Albany there is constant posturing. Senator Maziarz and Assemblywoman DelMonte can't resist taking shots at each other instead of working together for Niagara County.

Have you watched a Legislative meeting on cable lately. If the majority caucus is for something the Dems are against it. If the Dems are for something the majority caucus is against it. In the mean time the County is dying. And in Niagara Falls, every 4 years city councilman take turns trying to take down whoever the current Mayor is and as a result of this over the last 20 years the City continues to sink deeper.

Ted Kennedy was a statesman. There's not many left. His passing is the end of an era and for that I am sad. The ideals and basic principles of the New Frontier, the drive of RFK's commitment to the less fortunate and the call to get involved was embodied in Ted Kennedy's public service. He didn't need to be a Senator. He wasn't in it for the money as was neither JFK or RFK. They were in it to make America a better place and as a result the world a better place.

God Bless You Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. Us lefties will all miss you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The End Of An Era

The passing of the great liberal lion of the Senate, Senator Ted Kennedy, truly marks the end of an era. The Kennedy family has been dedicated to public service and particularly for championing the causes for those less fortunate. I will have more later today. Our country lost a piece of its soul today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Curse Of Reagan Continues It's incredible what a lasting influence such a terrible President has had on this country.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This Is What I've Been Talking About!!! Frank Rich is echoing the alarm which I have been ringing for months. As he states so well, you have elected officials like Senator Coburn stating its ok to be caring guns to public meetings. I asked the nit-wit Senator: What's the purpose for carrying a gun to a town hall meeting???? About the same reason you would carry a gun to a supermarket: there is none. But when morons like Coburn, Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh tell everyone the government is the enemy and that Obama is Hitler, what might happen when a gun toting militia man walks in to a town hall meeting??? Please read and hope that someone rational takes over the Republican Party

Friday, August 21, 2009

Health Care Mobs = Swift Boaters Please read.....It's getting to the point where these guys just keep the same old playbook. The trouble is we have to make sure it doesn't work again!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More and More Clear: Forget The G.O.P. This article spells out that the Republican is not only against a public option for health insurance, they are against health care reform in general. It's obvious Jon Kyl has never ahd to worry about being denied health care. He should be ashamed.

Face Reality: A Majority Of Americans Want a Public Option A recent poll by Rasmussen (a conservative leaning polling company) shows that 57% of Americans believe that without a public option there will be no true health care reform. The aricle attached nails it: have the Democrats kill a fillibuster and then let there be a vote up or down.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's Crunch Time For President Obama

The last few days I have been besides myself. The Obama Administration stating that a public option was only a sliver of health care reform through me for a loop. I've tried to figure out what the President was trying to accomplish. One thought was maybe by saying that the public option wasn't a key to health care reform the President was looking to mobilize the left. The other thing I was thinking was maybe he was trying to gauge where the American people were on all of this. I then considered maybe the President felt that he needed to get a health care reform bill passed even if there was no public option.

Of all three, I'm really hoping that he wanted to mobilize the left. Passing health care reform bill without a public option is not really reform. Politically, if a health care reform bill is passed without a public option, the President will still not get Republican votes and he will lose Democratic support and alienate the base. In my opinion, the President needs to push the public option and let the chips fall where they may. While I admire President Obama's attempt to change the bitter partisanship of Washington, it takes two to tango and the Republicans want no part of the bipartisan dance. That is why the President needs to lean on the Democrats to pass a bill with a public option and put an end of it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Palin!!!!! You may be wondering why am I slamming Palin so badly. Well, there are 2 reasons. First, she is intellectually bankrupt. Her next original thought will be her first. I don't believe she is qualified to be Mayor of Wasilla let alone President of the United States. But she is classic Republican candidate material. She is no different than W. except that W. was a governor of a major state, had a resume' that was well crafted and followed instructions to mask his inefficiencies. Palin does not listen to anyone and has no resume' It's frustrating because there are people out there who think she's great. I had a conversation with some elderly men. They loved Palin. I asked them why and the bottom line: she's good looking and has great legs!!!! And you want to know why this country is in the state that were in.

Secondly, because people like Palin and Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck are listened to and believed by millions of Americans they are extremely dangerous when they spew lies and frighten people. They amount to being domestic terrorists!!! Interesting clip I saw the other night where George Stephanopolous called Gingrich out by saying that the health care bill had nothing in it about euthansia. Gingrich just blew it off and continued with the Republican talking points. But there are people who believe the crap about death panels, etc. Today I heard a Congressman tell a story of a 90 year old woman begging him not to put her out on an ice flow to die. The scary thing is that the day before a right wing radio talk show host was saying that Obamacare was going to round all the old people up and put them on ice flows to die.

This is why the Becks, Limbaughs and Palins of the world need to be called out and they need to be called liars, anti-American and domestic terrorists because that is what they are. As Americans we should be able to have intelligent debate. But when you have these terrorists spewing their lies and hate there cannot be intelligent debate but merely fear, hatred and ultimately violence.

When Walter Cronkite died it made me remember of a better time before 24 hour news and opinionated talking heads who are not reporting the news but are trying to make the news and get high ratings. Cronkite was the most trusted man in America because he just gave us the facts and left it up to the American people to figure out where they stood on issues. But 24 hour news has to be outrageous to get ratings. Hence we have Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. And let's not forget Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs. And how can we forget Pat Buchannan who has returned to his extremist self from 1992 by acting like your typical angry old white guy.

We as Americans have no one to blame but ourselves. People don't read anymore and reporters are all about giving their opinions as opposed to reporting the facts. That is why we lefties need to call these domestic terrorists out!!! Let's not patronize the sponsors of Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and O'Reilly and Fox News. And let's correct the lies and calm the fears. If things continue the way they have, I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen.

Calling Palin Out Well, it's happening!!! The mainstream media is calling Sarahcuda out!! Her ridiculous comments about the health care reform bill is an embarassment and she now is backtracking. Too late Sarah baby. You are a joke and as I have stated before you need to be banished from the national stage.

Monday, August 10, 2009

This Is Why We Need Health Care Reform!!!! This article should be read by every American. The very people who think their current health care policy is great need to wake up!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's About Time: Keep On Calling Them Out It was great to hear the White House call out that fat windbag Limbaugh. This guy is a treasonist. He hates America!!!! If you listen to him you need to stop!!!!!! And don't patronize his sponsors!!!!!

Sarah Palin Must Go!!!!

And, as Talking Points Memo reported on Friday, she put up a demented, fact-free Facebook rant trashing the president’s health care plan: “The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.” This is a quote from the woman who right-wing leaders such as Limbaugh and Buchanan believe are the future of the Republican Party. Normally I would say this is great because with these sort of comments, Sarah Palin will lead them to obscurity. However, the battle for health care reform is too serious to have this nut job add to the misinformation. It wouldn't be so bad if the mainstream media called her out on it. But they are afraid of the neocons to do it. Sarah Palin is the female version of Joe McCarthy. She must go off the public stage. She's a very bad joke who continues to exploit her Down Syndrome baby to push her sick fact-free agenda. It would be great if she got zero media coverage because that's what she craves. She's an ego-maniac created by the neocon spin doctors. Sarah Palin: America's Bad Joke!!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who Are The Nazis???? Rush Limbaugh is equating President Obama to Hitler but whose allies are employing brown shirt, Gestapo tactics???? Rachel Maddow spelled it out a few nights ago and Paul Krugman sounds the alarm. Please read....

Can You Believe This???? The GOP has pulled the old and only playbook they have had since Nixon: FEAR!!! Now they have seniors all fired up thinking health care reform promotes euthansia and that Medicare is going to be negatively effected. The article indicates some seniors don't even realize that Medicare is run by the federal government.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Truth On The Canadian Health Care System For years all we hear is that Canadians have to wait for critical medical care and can't choose their doctors. Once again,misinformation by the big money interests here in the U.S. Read this article and get the facts!!!!!

Rachel: You Go Girl!!!! Thank God for MSNBC. Rachel Maddow followed up Olbermann's great special comment by dissecting the so-called grassroots middle class opposition to health care reform. Please watch the video because Rachel hits this one out of the park. You Go Girl!!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Olbermann Nails It!!!!!!! This is why Keith Olbermann is the best on TV. He nails the problem right at its core: Bought and paid for representatives are killing health care reform. And mind you he spares no one: Republicans and Democrats. A must see!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Dollars Are Flowing To Kill Health Care Reform The dollars being spent to kill health care reform is staggering. Over $130 million to keep things the way they are. When your done reading this article its clear that we are in the fight of our lives!!!!!

They Are Serious: Kill Health Care Reform Please read this article. If you think that these tea parties were non-partisan, THINK AGAIN!!!! The delay in the vote on health care reform after August played right into the conservative, big money interests. First part of the startegy has worked: delay. Now comes the second part of the strategy: Kill. Many have said, (including myself) if health care wasn't done this summer it was in serious jeopardy. Read the article: we are in a huge fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111