Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Low Can They Go??

The 2008 Campaign will go down in the record books as the presidential campaign that was bizarre. In fact, on the Republican side it reminds one of American Idol. First, we have the selection of Sarah Palin as Vice Presidential candidate. The hockey mom, the down to earth working mom, the reformer, the maverick. In reality, THE FRAUD. Her total lack of substance on the issues of the day, her shady past affiliations with a separatist movement in Alaska, her unethical practices and abuse of power as Governor and the whacked out religious beliefs which includes being prayed over by a witch hunter!!!!!! Are you kidding me????

Then we have the most fear mongering campaign that we have seen in decades. I don't believe this country has heard about socialism and communism in a Presidential campaign since the 50's and 60's. But here in the 21st Century, old John McCain has decided that this is his only chance since he and his party are devoid of any new ideas to change America. The fact remains that he does not want to change America. That's why he voted with Bush 90% of the time. So absent new ideas, he must resort to all the old fear techniques. Socialism, muslims, terrorists and communists oh my!!!!

But the icing on the cake. The most bizarre and disgusting point of this year's presidential campaign is the elevation of a self-promoting moron as a surrogate for the McCain/Palin campaign and that is none other than Joe the Plumber. Joe the freaking Plumber, are you kidding me!!!! This guy is a loser and unfortunately it is guys like him that helped re-elect Bush in 2004. This guy and many like him are the reason that fat windbags like Limbaugh continue to thrive on the air in this country. Its guys like Joe the freaking Plumber who takes everything that these neocons say and believe it and the neocons knnow it. Its guys like Joe the freaking Plumber who represents everything that is wrong with America: shameless self-promotion and an incredible simplistic view of America and the world. And now Joe the freaking Plumber is going to run for Congress, is looking for a book deal and is going to be a country singer!!!! What happened to buying the plumbing company!!!!

But this is what the neocons have reduced this country to as far as the public discourse. Treat us like morons by having a power hungry unethical vice presidential candidate who was only selected because she wears a bra and a campaign surrogate who is a self-dealing moron!!!! John McCain's reputation continues to sink. It's just a question of how low can he go. There's 5 days to go and anything is possible. I can't wait until November 4th so this national nightmare can end!!!!! Obama/Biden 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's the Navy Hiding??

Today on The John Restaino Show one of the usual Fox empty heads questioned why the L.A. Times wouldn't release some tape fo Obama with Ayers and some Palestian guy. I ask this empty head why won't the Navy release these records!! Please read:

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Just when you think they can't get any lower, the McCain & Palin campaign may be responsible for the nonsense story of an attack by a black male Obama supporter on a white female McCain supporter. The story was reporter by Fox News and a Pittsburgh newspaper. CNN called Fox News out

However, why isn't the media investigating the role of the McCain campaign. Last night, MSNBC reported that it was the Communications Director of McCain's Pennsylvannia campaign that was spreading the story. Why isn't there more of a story on this??? Why isn't McCain and Palin forced to explain what happened?? Why isn't McCain forced to repudiate this???

Failure of the media to investigate this is a disgrace. But it also is just another example of the dishonorable campaign that McCain and the Palinazi has conducted this season. SHAME ON YOU JOHN MCCAIN!!!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE!!! YOU HAVE DISGRACED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Rats Are Jumping Ship!!!!

Republicans are in a state of shock as the defections are mounting and now its being reported that McCain and Palin are feuding. In fact, the Grand Old Party is splitting and the conservative movement is in total disarray. McCain's come to Jesus moment yesterday is too little too late. Most campaigns want to be able to look in the mirror on election day and say that they have done everything they could to win. McCain will be looking in the mirror and kicking himself.

The McCain of 2000 would probably be in a neck and neck race right now. In fact, I would bet that he would be doing very well with Independents and Hillary-Democrats. But McCain on 2004 sold his soul to the neo-cons and now he doesn't know which way to turn which is why he lost it yesterday with the Washington Times. As late as the primary, he was boasting about what a strong supporter of Bush he was.

The Palin selection was a total joke and McCain in his heart of hearts know that he made mistake. This woman is a walking train wreck. She has no sense of the issues of the world and is the typical neo-con empty head that they love to manipulate. On top of the fact that while Hannity & Company drool over her, I wouldn't give the b@#$h a second look.

The conservative movement has lost its way because its soul has been stolen by the neo con fascists that are in the Bush Administration and our among the Palinazis. There are out of control and I can't wait for November 4th.

Goldwater for Obama

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Breaking Up is Hard To Do??

Well, it appears that Ma & Pa Flip-Flop may be having a falling out. John McCain is probably coming to the realization that he should have trusted his own instinct on his Vice Presidential pick instead of selling his soul to the right-wing nuts of the Republican Party. Please read:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hey Joe Sixpack, Need To Buy A New Shirt? Call The RNC

Well, the party that's against spreadiing the wealth explains why. Let's spend $150,000 to dress up CaribouBarbie!!!! Please read:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Colin Powell, one of the most respected military officials of our time, today endorsed Barack Obama for President. General Powell's rationale for supporting Sen. Obama was right on the mark. Powell also accurately described the problem with the Republican Party's narrowing of interest toward the radical right wing nut jobs that is symbolized by Sarah Palin and Michele Brachmann. Powell's characterization of Obama being a transformational figure which this country needs is again right on the money.

This very public endorsement should once and for all put to bed this whole William Ayers he supports terrorist crap that has been espoused by the Palinazis. As I already stated, this is the most respected military official in our time. Would he endorse someone who pals around with terrorists?? Would he endorse a socialist??? Would he endorse a communist??? Powell's endorsement puts this whole nonsense to rest.

I also enjoyed his expression of disgust over this whole Muslim debate. The story about the mother of a fallen soldier of the Iraqi war was quite moving and in my view dramatic. Her 20 year old son, born in New Jersey, was killed in Iraq and on his tombstone was the crescent and star. symbolic of the Islamic faith. This American hero was a Muslim. Powell's point was because someone is Muslim does not mean he his not American and patriotic.

I have always respected Colin Powell. I lost some respect for him when he went to the U.N. on behalf of George W. Bush. But today he has earned back my respect because he demonstrated what is lacking in public life today: the willingness to stand up for something you believe in regardless of your political party. His view of this country is what we as a nation has always been about until the last 8 years when we have lost our way. And what General Powell said today is that Barack Obama can bring us back on course!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Michele Bachmann: Palin-Nazi!!!!!

Michele Bachmann is typical of what the Republican neo-con right wing base nut jobs are all about. Her performance on Hardball last night was ridiculous!!!! Please read the following.

McCain: P.O.W Onve Again

Gre story by Mike Barnacle.... McCain is a POW of the right wing neo-con nut jobs of the Republican Party...Must read...

What Happened To John McCain

Woolfson's not one of my favorites but I think he is on to something here. Please read.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Todd Palin: National Security Risk

Please read:


Well, does it surprise anyone??? The campaign that is based on mistruths and flat out lies had their candidate's most used punch line of his pitiful debate performance be based on a fraud. HMMM....coincidential....I doubt it. Joe the Plumber is not even a licensed plumber. In fact, he's basically a laborer who makes $40,000 and really has no intention of buying a plumbing business. In fact, the plumbing company that he has worked for is not for sale and according to its owner has never made more than $100,000. What a joke!!!! I will bet my bottom dollar that over the days ahead we will find out that Joe the Plumber was a plant to give McCain something to use at the debate. McCain desperately needed to try to hook up with the working and middle class. He even made some reference about it in a speech he gave in NewYork City yesterday.

The bottom line is that Joe the Plumber and the plumbing company he works for and has no intention to buy would both receive a reduction in taxes under Barack Obama's plan. This ridiculous stunt continues to lower this national campaign. It began with the selection of Sarah Palin and continues daily. The truth of the matter is that more and more Republicans are jumping ship. The RNC is pulling advertising out of Wisconsin and Maine.

Yet, we need to continue to work hard. We need to continue to talk to our neighbors, relatives and friends. We are up against an opponent who will do anything including putting a plant at an Obama rally and getting the national media to cover it. We need to keep taking it to them!!!! Vote Obama-Biden!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Random Thoughts: Cindy McCain, Brian Grear

I find it hard to imagine Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, or Nancy Reagan being political attack dogs. But Cindy McCain is the latest female pit bull on the McCain campaign trail. Her attack is Obama not voting for funding the troops. However, several weeks after that first vote, McCain voted against funding for the troops. Did Cindy feel the same shivers down her back when her husband voted no to the troops?? I wonder how the two female pit bulls feel about McCain's terrible voting record on veteran issues? When I was watching the clips of this campaign stop for John and the female pit bulls it reminded me of the old WWE shows when the 4 Horsemen would come out and rant and rave about what bums the good guys were. John McCain, Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain: The Natural Disasters.

I don't usually comment on local politics but today I heard some things which I had to talk about. The so-called "Democrat" for state senate, Brian Grear participated in the Peach Festival parade. Interesting conversation among his volunteers was what a great candidate Sarah Palin was for vice president. Hmmm....volunteers for a Democratic state senate candidate think that Palin is a good candidate!!!!! Maybe they really are Republicans because Brian Grear is really a Republican!!!! It is an absolute disgrace that Brian Grear is the Democratic candidate for state senate. On top of that, what is the County Democratic party doing for the Obama campaign? Are they organizing any trips to Ohio or PA?? How about a get out the vote rally??? No they are too busy with the losing candidacy of a Republican in Democrat clothing for state senate. What a disgrace!!!! And you want to know why Niagara County is a laughing stock in state and national Democratic circles!!!!

Obama 3 McCain 0

If the Presidential election was a baseball game, we'd be entering the 7th inning stretch and the good guys are winning 3-0. Last night, Barack Obama demonstrated his ability to lead this nation and restore the American Dream. And he demonstrated that because he understands what it means. There are a few things that struck me last night which clearly illustrate the differences between the candidates.

The general disposition of John McCain was angry. While there seems to be the basic agreement that he must do something dramatically to rescue his failing candidacy, the strategy to "take the gloves off and keep the heels on" just doesn't seem to wear well with him. At times he sounds shrill. On the other hand, Barack's composure, thoughtfulness and understanding of the issues is evident and reminds one of JFK. In addition, he also proved that he can take a punch and deliver one too.

Which leads me to my next observation, Obama's comeback with "bomb,bomb,Iran" clearly made McCain look feeble. Especially, just before Obama delivered that line he praised McCain and McCain said thank you and then Obama pointed out the reckless comments that McCain has made on Iraq, North Korea and Afghanistan. McCain, trying to be cute by saying "thank you" set himself up and probably never thought that Obama would come at him that way but he did.

The difference in age was very evident last night. McCain truly came across as being out of touch while it was evident why Obama's appeal is so great. McCain's reference to Obama as "that one", when talking about a vote in the Senate was unbelievable and sounded like something my grandparents would have said.

During the last question, I thought Obama did an excellent job in telling his life story which illustrated his ability to understand what people are going through today be cause he lived economic struggles as a child. McCain's attempt to do the same just sounded hollow.

One other the thing that has really stuck with me, when the debate was over both candidates and their wives were on the stage. Both Barack and Michelle Obama went around and shook hands with the audience. McCain went around and shook hands but his wife did not. It was like it was beneath her to mix with the common folk. It's also worth noting that the Obamas stood there for awhile taking pictures and shaking hands with the audience while the McCain's made a qucik exit.

We have them on the run. Let's keep the heat on. Obama '08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Stretch Run

We are now in the stretch run of the most important election of the last 20 years. The choice is clear: do we continue the policies of the worst administration in American history or do we bring back the American dream and promise at home and abroad. As Joe Biden eloquently stated the other night, McCain will continue leading us down the road of economic disaster without addressing our energy crisis and without addressing the health care crisis in this country. Not to mention that McCain will continue the reckless foreign policy og George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

It's desperation time for old John McCain. And with this desperation, old grumpy McCain is going to come out as negative as possible. It's being reported by numerous sources that the McCain campaign is prepared to begin the slander attack on Barack Obama. Ayers, Rezko and Wright will be trotted out. They will pull out every dirty trick in Karl Rove's playbook.

The problem is that this same strategy did not work for Hillary Clinton during the primaries and hopefully it won't work now. MSNBC reported that most Americans want answers not angry ads. As Tom Brokaw stated, the McCain negative campaign could evry well backfire. Let's hope old Tom is right. The Democrats need to continue to pound away at the failed policies of McCain and Bush. Hopefully, this will be enough to keep people's attention focused on what matters.

Let's get to November 4th and take this country back. Vote Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where's The Beef?????

In a debate with Walter Mondale, that great revered icon of conservatism Ronald Reagan asked the rhetorical question of Mondale, "Where's the beef?" Well tonight I ask the same question to Sarah Palin,"Where's the beef"?? In the most unbelievable display on the national stage, we witnessed what the McCain administration would be: sound bites and no substance while the American people suffer. Hmmm....sounds like the Bush Administration. Oops, I forgot we have to look forward.

What a total joke!! While Palin said that McCain would be different than Bush, she never told us how. The unbelievable audacity to talk about putting an end to greed and corruption on Wall Street, when her partner is Mr.Deregulation which caused Wall Street to run wild. I'm still waiting to hear how McCain's policy in Iraq is different than George Bush. I'm still waiting to hear how McCain's policy on energy, on health care and on Social Security are different than George Bush. The fact of the matter is that there is no difference and if there are differences I doubt that Palin knows what they are.

The only point of the night that she sounded half intelligent was when she talked about what she did as Mayor and Governor. Her assertion that the vice president should have more authority was simply outrageous. Even Senator Kit Bond (R) said that ain't happening. She obviously has no weakness or she doesn't understand what achilles heel means because she talked about her strengths. Hmmm..sounds like a former governor of Texas who currently resides in the White House and could not think of one thing he would do differently. I guess that's what happens when you are on a divine mission.

Senator Biden demonstrated the sound judgement of Barack Obama by selecting Biden as his running mate. He stunned Palin when he slammed away at the maverick by outlining specific policy issues where McCain was more Bush lap dog than maverick. Biden also showed his human side near the end of the debate where he again came back at her by describing his personal tragedy and the difficulty of being a single parent. What was amazing was the robotic way Palin reacted to that by basically ignoring it. I guess the coaches at the McCain estate in Sedona weren't prepared for that. Biden clearly showed that he would be able to lead this country if called upon while the same cannot be said for Palin.

Finally, the sickening folksy sayings and the winks were flat out annoying. I guess that's what works in beauty paegants. It's not going to work to determine who leads this country. The neocons love Palin because she can be controlled. Her depth of knowledge on the issues of the day are incredibly shallow and that was evident at the debate. As Ronnie said back in 1984, Ms. Palin "where's the beef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"