Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Stretch Run

We are now in the stretch run of the most important election of the last 20 years. The choice is clear: do we continue the policies of the worst administration in American history or do we bring back the American dream and promise at home and abroad. As Joe Biden eloquently stated the other night, McCain will continue leading us down the road of economic disaster without addressing our energy crisis and without addressing the health care crisis in this country. Not to mention that McCain will continue the reckless foreign policy og George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

It's desperation time for old John McCain. And with this desperation, old grumpy McCain is going to come out as negative as possible. It's being reported by numerous sources that the McCain campaign is prepared to begin the slander attack on Barack Obama. Ayers, Rezko and Wright will be trotted out. They will pull out every dirty trick in Karl Rove's playbook.

The problem is that this same strategy did not work for Hillary Clinton during the primaries and hopefully it won't work now. MSNBC reported that most Americans want answers not angry ads. As Tom Brokaw stated, the McCain negative campaign could evry well backfire. Let's hope old Tom is right. The Democrats need to continue to pound away at the failed policies of McCain and Bush. Hopefully, this will be enough to keep people's attention focused on what matters.

Let's get to November 4th and take this country back. Vote Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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