Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

Colin Powell, one of the most respected military officials of our time, today endorsed Barack Obama for President. General Powell's rationale for supporting Sen. Obama was right on the mark. Powell also accurately described the problem with the Republican Party's narrowing of interest toward the radical right wing nut jobs that is symbolized by Sarah Palin and Michele Brachmann. Powell's characterization of Obama being a transformational figure which this country needs is again right on the money.

This very public endorsement should once and for all put to bed this whole William Ayers he supports terrorist crap that has been espoused by the Palinazis. As I already stated, this is the most respected military official in our time. Would he endorse someone who pals around with terrorists?? Would he endorse a socialist??? Would he endorse a communist??? Powell's endorsement puts this whole nonsense to rest.

I also enjoyed his expression of disgust over this whole Muslim debate. The story about the mother of a fallen soldier of the Iraqi war was quite moving and in my view dramatic. Her 20 year old son, born in New Jersey, was killed in Iraq and on his tombstone was the crescent and star. symbolic of the Islamic faith. This American hero was a Muslim. Powell's point was because someone is Muslim does not mean he his not American and patriotic.

I have always respected Colin Powell. I lost some respect for him when he went to the U.N. on behalf of George W. Bush. But today he has earned back my respect because he demonstrated what is lacking in public life today: the willingness to stand up for something you believe in regardless of your political party. His view of this country is what we as a nation has always been about until the last 8 years when we have lost our way. And what General Powell said today is that Barack Obama can bring us back on course!!!

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