Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Low Can They Go??

The 2008 Campaign will go down in the record books as the presidential campaign that was bizarre. In fact, on the Republican side it reminds one of American Idol. First, we have the selection of Sarah Palin as Vice Presidential candidate. The hockey mom, the down to earth working mom, the reformer, the maverick. In reality, THE FRAUD. Her total lack of substance on the issues of the day, her shady past affiliations with a separatist movement in Alaska, her unethical practices and abuse of power as Governor and the whacked out religious beliefs which includes being prayed over by a witch hunter!!!!!! Are you kidding me????

Then we have the most fear mongering campaign that we have seen in decades. I don't believe this country has heard about socialism and communism in a Presidential campaign since the 50's and 60's. But here in the 21st Century, old John McCain has decided that this is his only chance since he and his party are devoid of any new ideas to change America. The fact remains that he does not want to change America. That's why he voted with Bush 90% of the time. So absent new ideas, he must resort to all the old fear techniques. Socialism, muslims, terrorists and communists oh my!!!!

But the icing on the cake. The most bizarre and disgusting point of this year's presidential campaign is the elevation of a self-promoting moron as a surrogate for the McCain/Palin campaign and that is none other than Joe the Plumber. Joe the freaking Plumber, are you kidding me!!!! This guy is a loser and unfortunately it is guys like him that helped re-elect Bush in 2004. This guy and many like him are the reason that fat windbags like Limbaugh continue to thrive on the air in this country. Its guys like Joe the freaking Plumber who takes everything that these neocons say and believe it and the neocons knnow it. Its guys like Joe the freaking Plumber who represents everything that is wrong with America: shameless self-promotion and an incredible simplistic view of America and the world. And now Joe the freaking Plumber is going to run for Congress, is looking for a book deal and is going to be a country singer!!!! What happened to buying the plumbing company!!!!

But this is what the neocons have reduced this country to as far as the public discourse. Treat us like morons by having a power hungry unethical vice presidential candidate who was only selected because she wears a bra and a campaign surrogate who is a self-dealing moron!!!! John McCain's reputation continues to sink. It's just a question of how low can he go. There's 5 days to go and anything is possible. I can't wait until November 4th so this national nightmare can end!!!!! Obama/Biden 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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