Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tribute Ted Kennedy will be deeply missed by all lefties who believe in social justice, public service and an America that is respected and admired throughout the world. I'm still shocked that he is gone. Not that I didn't realize this was inevitable since the brain cancer was diagnosed but it is hard to imagine not having a Kennedy at the forefront of American politics. One thing that really struck me was the overwhelming sentiment that Ted Kennedy knew when he had to put his partisan hat aside and get down to the business of governing. Unfortunately, most of our representatives in Washington haven't learned this.

Of course, you can say that our elected representatives in general haven't learned it. Albany there is constant posturing. Senator Maziarz and Assemblywoman DelMonte can't resist taking shots at each other instead of working together for Niagara County.

Have you watched a Legislative meeting on cable lately. If the majority caucus is for something the Dems are against it. If the Dems are for something the majority caucus is against it. In the mean time the County is dying. And in Niagara Falls, every 4 years city councilman take turns trying to take down whoever the current Mayor is and as a result of this over the last 20 years the City continues to sink deeper.

Ted Kennedy was a statesman. There's not many left. His passing is the end of an era and for that I am sad. The ideals and basic principles of the New Frontier, the drive of RFK's commitment to the less fortunate and the call to get involved was embodied in Ted Kennedy's public service. He didn't need to be a Senator. He wasn't in it for the money as was neither JFK or RFK. They were in it to make America a better place and as a result the world a better place.

God Bless You Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. Us lefties will all miss you.

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