Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Palin!!!!!

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shannyn-moore/death-panels-for-dummies_b_255060.html You may be wondering why am I slamming Palin so badly. Well, there are 2 reasons. First, she is intellectually bankrupt. Her next original thought will be her first. I don't believe she is qualified to be Mayor of Wasilla let alone President of the United States. But she is classic Republican candidate material. She is no different than W. except that W. was a governor of a major state, had a resume' that was well crafted and followed instructions to mask his inefficiencies. Palin does not listen to anyone and has no resume' It's frustrating because there are people out there who think she's great. I had a conversation with some elderly men. They loved Palin. I asked them why and the bottom line: she's good looking and has great legs!!!! And you want to know why this country is in the state that were in.

Secondly, because people like Palin and Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck are listened to and believed by millions of Americans they are extremely dangerous when they spew lies and frighten people. They amount to being domestic terrorists!!! Interesting clip I saw the other night where George Stephanopolous called Gingrich out by saying that the health care bill had nothing in it about euthansia. Gingrich just blew it off and continued with the Republican talking points. But there are people who believe the crap about death panels, etc. Today I heard a Congressman tell a story of a 90 year old woman begging him not to put her out on an ice flow to die. The scary thing is that the day before a right wing radio talk show host was saying that Obamacare was going to round all the old people up and put them on ice flows to die.

This is why the Becks, Limbaughs and Palins of the world need to be called out and they need to be called liars, anti-American and domestic terrorists because that is what they are. As Americans we should be able to have intelligent debate. But when you have these terrorists spewing their lies and hate there cannot be intelligent debate but merely fear, hatred and ultimately violence.

When Walter Cronkite died it made me remember of a better time before 24 hour news and opinionated talking heads who are not reporting the news but are trying to make the news and get high ratings. Cronkite was the most trusted man in America because he just gave us the facts and left it up to the American people to figure out where they stood on issues. But 24 hour news has to be outrageous to get ratings. Hence we have Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. And let's not forget Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs. And how can we forget Pat Buchannan who has returned to his extremist self from 1992 by acting like your typical angry old white guy.

We as Americans have no one to blame but ourselves. People don't read anymore and reporters are all about giving their opinions as opposed to reporting the facts. That is why we lefties need to call these domestic terrorists out!!! Let's not patronize the sponsors of Limbaugh and Hannity and Beck and O'Reilly and Fox News. And let's correct the lies and calm the fears. If things continue the way they have, I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen.

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