Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bob Confer: Are You kidding Me!!!!!!

Reading the Niagara Gazette this morning was rather enlightning while at the same time disturbing. Bob Confer, who writes a regular guest view for the paper, in today's paper has an article entitled, "Obama discriminates against gun owners". While I don't often agree with Mr.Confer I respect his view and find him to be a rational person who cares about what's going on around him. This guest view disappoints me because it seems to be the typical right-wing nonsense that has been spewed throughout the campaign and since the election results were in. First, let me say that I know Confer has nothing to do with the headline attached to his column. But the content of the article belongs to Confer.

The criticism about a question on the application for employment in the Obama administration I found ridiculous. Mr. Confer implies that ownership of a gun immediately disqualifies one from employment. What's the basis for that??? I find nothing wrong with knowing that a future employee has registered guns, how he uses the guns and whether there has been any injuries inflicted by them. There is nothing wrong with law-abiding gun owners who hunt. And what's the problem with addressing if anyone was injured with the guns???

Confer really ramps up the right wing rhetoric by saying that when the President takes the oath of office it will be an outright lie because of his contempt for the 2nd Amendment. Are you kidding me???? Especially when we have had 8 years of an administration which has trampled on the Constitution!!!! And I know Mr. Confer will say that he doesn't support Bush but to behonest I don't really buy that. If I had to bet he probably voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.

Obama's against self-protection. Obama's against hunters. Obama wants to outright ban guns. C'mon Bob!!!! I really didn't think you were a right wing shill but I guess you were wrong. I'm sure the next article will be that Obama is a socialist because he wants a $700 billion economic stimulus package. So keep on buying guns. Stockpile them Bob. Next time you talk with a law enforcement official, ask them if they have a problem with the Clinton gun policy. I think you will be surprised.

And by the way, while you are worrying about guns, I'm worried about the mess at home and abroad that President-Elect Obama has inherited from Mr. Bush. That's what affects my life and many more around the world. Happy shooting Bob!!!!!


roger said...

You're on the mark,again. I like Bob also ! But he is a right wing hiding out as a liberiltarion. Any Cop will tell you the streets are much safer today because of the Clinton ban. Why? The Uzsi's and automatic weapons disappeared off the streets making it a little safer for officers. They couldn't fire back then because they were out gunned [50 rds per minute]What joker besides a drug dealer needs a weapon capable of firing 50 rounds per minute or metal piercing ammo? Ever see a deer killed with 50 rounds ? I've seen thewm killed with one arrow. The public needs to get real.Law abiding citizens need only one gun and one round to stop intruders.
Make the streets safer by taking the weapons out of the nut cases who need to acquire 50 guns for self protection.
Roger Spurback

John Restaino said...

I do agree with the fighting lefty on most of his blog. I just want to let everyone know that my blog is therestainoshow.blogspot.com
Roger--check it out!!

Lefty- keep up the good work!! Come on the show soon!!

Bob Confer said...

As a regular reader of your blog I was looking forward to the day you might find fault with one of my columns. I write my columns with the intent of getting people thinking and acting, whether they agree with me or not. So, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I enjoy your analysis and I think you’d be delighted to know I have called Obama’s stimulus package socialism…and I’ve done the same for the $3.75 TRILLION (+) that the Bush Administration has doled out since May. I’ve been critical of Bush on many occassions (Patriot Act, socialism, spending, etc.). I’m not a right-wing shill…I’m a shill for the Constitution. The GOP and the Dems have walked all over it.

The only thing that I really take offense to is your closing paragraph. You’re a regular reader of my column (and you probably hear me on WLVL/WJJL often), so you know that I write about and talk about economic and job issues all the time. So don’t insinuate that I could care less about this recession by writing about other subjects. Writing about an issue like guns is a respite from economics, necessary to keep readers & listeners hooked…and to keep me from burning out over something (the economy) that I struggle with daily.

Make sure to listen to the Restaino Show on Thursday. John and I will be talking about many of the issues you bring up. We plan to spend the whole hour talking about gun rights.

Keep blogging. I’ll keep reading!

Take care.