Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wright, Ayers, Blogo: Enough All Ready, YOU LOST!!!!!

The revelations of the Senate seat for sale scheme by Governor Blogo of Illinois has provided the latest opportunity for the neo-con Republican Party to try to discredit and tear down President-Elect Barack Obama. It's sad that this is what the Grand Old Party has relegated itself too but it is a prelude of what the next 4 years will be from these vicious power hungry neo-con terrorists.

Let's examine what we know. Gov. Blogo has been under investigation for months, prior to the November election. The investigation centered around kick backs for the awarding of state contracts and state jobs. Many believe that Prosecutor Fitzgerald came out with this indictment to prevent a tainted Senate appointment. In fact, many in the legal community are saying that the Senate seat indictment is probably the weakest of what Fitzgerald has on the delusional Blogo.

We know that Fitzgerald has said that President-Elect Obama is not being investigated nor is he on any of the tapes that has been amassed against the Governor. In fact, Blogo is caught on tape cursing Obama.

Now the big swirling controversy is whether or not anyone on Obama's staff is involved with Blogo. Specifically, the focus is on Rahim Emanuel. Is it out of the realm of possibility that Emanuel or anyone else on Obama's team had a conversation about the Senate seat with the Governor??? It would seem that it would only be a normal course of business that this would happen in that Emanuel is pretty adept at Illinois politics and if I were Governor I would certainly want input as to who would be a successful choice. If there was some sort of deal making, quid pro quo between Emanuel or any other Obama staffer why wouldn't it have come out??? We know that candidate #5 is Jesse Jackson Jr. Fitzgerald is a no nonsense prosecutor. If there was more involved we would know about it.

So where does this all leave us??? The neo-con shills in the media and the dopes who run the Republican Party are going to beat the drum: See we were right, we don't know everything about this Obama guy. Change my eye, he's another crooked Illinois politician. Remember Tony Rezko?? This is happening right here in our own backyard. Look at the latest post on

Instead of getting the message that an overwhelming majority of this country have rejected their neo-conservative, religious right-wing extremist position, they are intent on tearing down the new President. In a previous post I warned that this is what would happen. Remember Whitewater and Ken Starr??? The Limbaughs and Hannitys of the world will continue to talk about this for months, always casting a cloud on what is on those tapes. How come Emanuel won't come clean? Shouldn't there be an investigation?? Is Obama telling the truth???

Where is the outrage over Donald Rumsfeld authorizing torture at Guantanamo Bay?? Where is the outrage over Cheney, Rove and Libby outing a CIA agent?? Where is the outrage over Bush approving the torture policy?? Where is the outrage over Bush pardoning Libby?? Where is the outrage over the thousands of no-bid contracts that the Bush/Cheney Administration has handed out to its cronies??? Where is the outrage at the Party of Stevens, DeLay, Foley, Craig and Duke Cunningham??? Where is the outrage over the total disregard for the people of New Orleans during Katrina??? Where is the outrage over Abu Graib?? Where is the outrage for the pay for influence scheme involving Jack Abramoff??? Where is the outrage over the flat out lies used to justify going into Iraq which has cost us over 3500 American lives, many more permanently injured and $12 billion dollars a month??? And finally, where is the outrage over the fact that the neo-con chicken hawks allowed Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind that killed 3,000 American on Sept.11, to get away???

We are facing an economic crisis which threatens the very fabric of our country. We have witnessed the total disregard for this crisis by the callous disregard for the American auto industry by the likes of Vitter, Shelby, Corker, McConnell and company. Yet, we are going to focus on Gov.Blogo and look to continue rumor and innuendo that somehow or another President-Elect Obama is involved when the facts don't support it. ENOUGH!!! YOU LOST!!! The latest polls indicate that Obama has one of the highest approval ratings of any incoming President. Once again, the neo-cons are out of touch with the American people. Americans want leadership. Americans want solutions. Americans want an end to the partisan crap that has dominated Wasington for 20 years.

As lefties, we need to go after these neo-con windbags whenever we need to. No blatant lie can go unanswered just like during the campaign. They will try everything in their power to discredit Obama. They did the same thing to Clinton. The neo-con right wing religious fanatics are like trapped rats. And when a rat is trapped they will attack. We must be ready!!!

1 comment:

John Restaino said...

President Obama isn't a citizen!!! This is such a joke. I suspect President Obama and his staff have been intouch with Blago as much as Hillary has been intouch with Paterson. Once again there is nothing there. limbaugh, Bauerle, Hannity have nothing left and they stoke the fire of the Palin-nazi's. Palin'12... MegaDitto's from the John Restaino Show!!