Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's Health Care!!!!! It's Up To You, President Obama!!!

I understand that TV talkers have to be mindful of ratings but lefty talkers need to spend more time on the health care issue and less time on Palin, gay marriage and what's up with Cheney. If the Democrats don't get a health care bill passed this year it WILL NEVER HAPPEN and they will lose plenty of seats in 2010. Count me as a member of the screw the partisan health care bill bandwagon. I understand what the President's strategy was however it is clear that the old Republican nonsense (you won't keep your own doctors, there will be long waiting lines, etc.) and the influence of the pharmaceutical companies, health insurance industry and the AMA are pulling out all the stops.

Last night on The Ed Show, Ed Shultz went over a recent poll which indicated that the President has high personal approval ratings. However, when it comes to Health Care, 33% supported the President's plan, 32% disapprove and 35% were unsure. The problem is that the President was committed to let Congress hammer the details for reform but it has turned into a mish mash of nonsense. The American people are hearing different messages.

With his personal appeal and charisma, President Obama needs to take lead on this. He needs to be out front and tell the public what he wants and build support that way. He needs to use his personal appeal to sway the American public and apply pressure on the bought and paid for members of Congress. Obama is the only person who can pull this one off. There's no one in Congress who can do it. It's up to you, Mr. President!!!!

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