Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Fight Of Our Lives

Isn't it amazing!!! Us lefties fought like dogs the last 3 years to get a Democratic Congress and a Democratic President. Last year we won. Do you national elected Democrats understand: WE WON!!!!! So where do we find ourselves??? Fighting to get health care reform enacted. We are talking about a public option. Forget co-ops and triggers. PUBLIC OPTION!!! But nooooooooo!!!! The so-called Blue Democrats are concerned. They say it's going to cost too much money. It's not going to play well with their constituents. You know what. That's flat out bull shit!!!!!

The Democrats could pass sweeping health care legislation right now but the leadership, particularly Harry Reid doesn't have the stones to do it. Instead he is going to allow Baucus and company to go on vacation and allow the righties and the big insurance lobby to misrepresent the issue to the American people. I've said it in an earlier blog, if health care reform, true health care reform with a public option, is not passed this year, we can forget it!!!! And 40 million Americans will be up the creek without a paddle.

I heard a Democratic strategist say that we needed to take it easy on the Blue Dogs because we need them to maintain a majority. Big freaking deal to have a majority when you can't pass what over 70% of Americans want and that is a public option for health care.

If this does not get done, I predict that Democrats will be on the road to minority status again


Unknown said...

You might want to run a check on some of your numbers. The number of Americans that are for the public option is probably closer to 40-45% and the 40 million uninsured is a complete misrepresentation. That is probably closer to 8-10 million. We have the right to life, liberty, and property. I am not responsible for you or any other person for that matter. The public option will decrease competition and cause prospective physicians to lose interest in the field because of the inability to pay for medical school and training costs. Unless you would like to pay that too.

TRex said...

I beg to differ with you. I stand by my numbers. We obviously have a different opinion but I believe that we are ALL responsible for those who are less fortunate. To turn a blind eye to the fact that the current health care system is bankrupting this country and is deficient in providing care to those who have it.

But differing opinions is what makes America great!!!1

John Restaino said...

Doctors in England (for example) make a good living. 6 figure incomes. They are doctors because it is a "calling" to help others, not to see how much $$$ they can make. The publice option will NOT hurt competition. Actually, it will make it more competitive. If you are deciding to be a doctor and you are in "it" for the $$$$ I would hate to be your patient. We are our brothers keeper; and the 40 million is an accurate number!!
It is time for Single Payer health care!!