Friday, July 17, 2009

Some Rainy Friday Thoughts

As I'm watching TV some things I'm thinking about on a rainy Friday night:

- Why is it that Democrats refuse to stay true to the people who put them in office??? The gang of six: Nelson, Conrad, Baucus, Landrieu, Wyden and Lieberman are telling the President to slow down on health care. Slow down!!!!! Are you kidding me???? These 6 should have bullseyes on them if health care reform with a public option does not happen. The President needs to bang some heads!!!!!

- Why not just create the committee and investigate the Bush-Cheney cabal. I'm sick of hearing these Republicans saying that the call for an investigation of the CIA is an attempt to cover for Pelosi. What a bunch of crap!!! The only ones covering up anything are the Republicans because they know Cheney is dirty.

- Did you hear that old Tommy Golisano was in Albany to watch the new "reform" Senate install Pedro " the crook" Espada as Senate President. Saw in the Buffalo News that the investigation begins on Tommy and his buddy Pigeon's campaign contributions. I will be following this big time.

- Speaking of Tommy and Steve, what the hell is up with the NF Reporter praising these two nitwits??? Rumors have it that Golisano pumped money into the weekly freebee paper.

- You know who I am really sick and tired of: Candra Thomason. This middle aged Barbie wanna be should stay out of politics. She's no longer a new face and her modus operandi is clear: a divisive political opportunist who wants to be mayor. Heaven help us.

- Has anyone seen or heard from City Administrator Donna Owens??

- Does anybody wonder why our County Legislators need a vacation for the month of August??? Aren't they part-time Legislators??? So why do they need to be off???

- Really sad to hear about the passing of Walter Cronkhite. Many of the so-called news people of today could learn a lesson from this news giant. Who could forget his memorable reporting on the assassination of Presient Kennedy. Cronkhite's influence on this country was as great, if not greater, than Michael Jackson but I will bet you won't see as much press coverage on his life as you did for Jackson.

- And finally, will summer ever get here this year????

1 comment:

John Restaino said...

What is truly amazing is that cover of last weeks Reporter. Blaming any Democrat for sex offenders. They really are lucky they are a free paper. I wonder why they won't give $$$ to them for the Mission!!