Friday, July 10, 2009

Where Have You Gone Tom, George and Steve???

Well the big reformers: Tom Golisano, George Maziarz and Steve Pigeon accomplished quite a bit. The Three Muskateers basically brought NY government to a standstill and made the Empire State more like the Jackass State!!!! These big reformers made a deal with two of the most unscrupulous, self-serving scumbags in NYS government (and with that whole crew that is a mouthful). When the big coup took place, you saw Senator George all over local television. Once Benedict Arnold #1 went back and caused the 31-31 deadlock, you had to put out an APB to find our good Senator. Not a word from Maziarz. You see the nonsense game that Maziarz has pulled in Niagara County with Democrats running and siding with Republicans did not work in Albany because they couldn't fill the ego-maniac needs of Espada. That's what happens when you make a deal with scum.

Speaking of scum, where is big, bad reformer Tom Golisano. Talk about ego-maniacs. This guy needs to go to the Everglades and play with the alligators. Talk about frauds, Tom Golisano is the biggest fraud going because he, like Maziarz just want power.

And then there's Steve Pigeon. When will someone be able to convince Pigeon that the glory days of the 90's are over and he is a powerless groupie golddigger who latches on to dumb rich ego-maniacs who he convinces that he can deliever. I'm not sure Pigeon could deliver a pizza let alone a political victory.

Here's what needs to happen: the people of Niagara County need to realize that George Maziarz is in government for one reason: George Maziarz. He realizes that if the Democrats retain control of the Senate, they will redistrict and he and his Republican buddies will be on the outside looking in for years. Maziarz needs to be voted out for his despicable roll in this whole ridiculous mess. Where was reformer George Maziarz when he was in the majority and his good buddy Pataki was Governor?? He wasn't worried about equal pork barrel money and staff then!!! The problem is that the local Democrats are led by a moron. It will take the state Dems to do something to get old Georgie out of here.

Second, Steve Pigeon and Tom Golisano need to be found guilty of campaign finance fraud related to their illegal contributions last year in pursuit of Pigeon's vendetta against Sam Hoyt. They need to be eliminated from politics because they are both everything that is wrong with politics: power hungry, cut-throat, job grabbing scumbags!!!!!!!

Finally, if you want reform: eliminate pork barrel money, eliminate stipends, put stringent restrictions on receiving money from lobbyists and eliminate the outrageous daily expense reimbursement that these birds get for serving us.

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