Monday, November 10, 2008

Kudos to Randi Rhodes and The N.F. Reporter!!

Kudos to Randi Rhodes and the Niagara Falls Reporter. First for Randi: This evening I was listening to her show and she was right on the money with where I was at the other day about us lefties needing to get to work to help President-Elect Obama. Randi spelled it out beautifully by saying that these neocon talking jerks are ratcheting up the hateful rhetoric against Barack. It was the same thing they did to Bill Clinton. She played a clip from Hannity where his guest called Obama a baby killer. The likes of Hannity, Limbaugh and Scarborough have contributed to 27% of this country being afraid of what Obama is going to do to this country. We, as lefties, need to call these pinheads out. But we also need to put pressure on our congress people and senators to do something about the unfair situation that characterizes our public airwaves. We need to regulate communications and put an end to the domination of a few. We need to enact the fairness doctrine. Think about it here in Niagara County and WNY, we have only one local liberal radio show (The John Restaino show). The rest are either nonsense crap or conservative in nature. We need to be vigilant. Right on Randi and keep on exposing them and putting the heat on.

Now the Reporter: the new edition has a front cover of a picture of Mayor Dyster and former Mayor Anello with the title "What's the Difference?" They nailed it!!! As I had in this blog the other day, we need to know who makes up this Foundation for a Better Niagara. The Reporter has gotten their hands on some e-mails which seem to implicate the Maid of the Mist, M&T Bank and some shill from HANCI. This isn't about wanting to tear down anybody. This is about accountability. This is about being transparent. This is about not allowing another Anello/Anderson situation from happening. Keep the heat on NF Reporter!!!! Hopefully, Mayor Dyster will see the error of his ways and just be up front with us. Its not in our best interest for rotating mayors every 4 years. But its also not in our best interest to be kept in the dark!!!


John Restaino said...

The Niagara Falls Reporter is really, really, really, a poor excuse for newspaper. I realize that they are an opinion paper, but people actually think there is substance. I can't trust anything that paper prints (locally) as long as Parlato is apart of it!!

TRex said...

You can knock Parlato and I don't blame you but the fact remains that the Reporter was right about Anello and they were right about Local 91. This issue can be cleared up real quick that if Mayor Dyster just comes clean. Someone had to contact him about this group. I'm sure he did not receive and anonymous letter telling him there was this money out there. He has created an issue that doesn't need to be there. I'm sorry but I think that if we are to have transparent government we have a right to know. On another note, your show is great. I don't havethe opportunity to call but I listen everyday at work.

John Restaino said...

Thanks for the compliment on the show. Too bad you can't be a guest. That website I think describes the foundation. I think the Reporter is about as trustworthy as the NY Post. As long as you advertise with them you are OK!! Parlato and Hudson are the same animal; as long as they continue there divisive propaganda Nothing will move forward. Just like the Presidential campaign that President Obama just masterfully completed; "Dividing us prevents progress" This is a perfect example of using some of President Obama's message here at home!!