Saturday, November 22, 2008

Remember JFK

Today marks the 45th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The hopes and dreams for a better country was gunned down in Dallas 45 years ago. What makes me totally ill is that we will never know who was responsible for the most tragic murder of the 20th Century. The promise and idealism of the Kennedy Administration energized many in this country. Unfortunately, it also energized a sick element that I believe was responsible for President Kennedy's death. I can only imagine what our country may have been if he had lived. I firmly believe that we would not have been bogged down in Vietnam and that race relations would have been improved. However, this is just my belief. Our hopes and dreams were destroyed that day but I will never forget the idealism that President Kennedy instilled in many Americans. It's the same idealism and hope that President-Elect Obama has brought forth in 2008. God Bless You President John F. Kennedy.

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