Friday, November 7, 2008

Lefties: Let's get to work

The euphoria has died down and now its time to begin to get back to work. As progressives we need to be vigilant. The neocons and their right wing nut media types are working overdrive to derail President-Elect Obama. The lies and attacks continue. Along with the hypocrisy. Take for example Joe Scarborough. The day after the election, Morning Smoe went on a diatribe on how we need to end the gotcha politics and that we should agree to disagree. That we should move away from because my idea is different than yours I need to bury you. Hmmn...interesting that now that Smoe and his neocon buddies are running for the hills that he is preaching tolerance.

However, Smoe's new found religion lasted one day. On Thursday he sliced and diced Rahm Emanuel's indecision on accepting the Chief of Staff position to the point where he questioned Barack's leadership abilities. When Chris Matthews challenged him, Smoe resorted to defending Bush/Cheney and how their every motive was dissected. What a hypocrite!!!!

The truth of the matter is that Barack Obama is this country's best hope to end the politics of destruction. However, he has demonstrated that he is not going to allow ridiculous attacks to go unanswered. As lefties we need to be on guard and be ready to call out hypocrites like Morning Smoe. They will not rest in trying to bring Obama down. Some in the Republican Party recognize that they have to stand for something and not be constantly against something. However, the element of the Republican Party that loves Sarah Palin will salivate over attacking Obama whenever they can. We must be ready. There's plenty of work to do!!!!! And Morning Smoe I will be watching you!!!!!

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