Friday, January 16, 2009

Bush and the Media Need To Be Held Accountable This article is the first that I have seen which not only holds Bush accountable but also places blame on the mainstream media. Their failure to ask questions, their failure to push the Bush Administration is enough to make old time correspondents like Walter Cronkhite shake their heads in disgust. Maybe they were afraid that Michael Powell was going to pull their license. Or maybe they were afraid that they would end up like Dan Rather: fired and outcasted by CBS. At the end of the day, the mainstream media failed us just like our government did. They turned into the propaganda arm of the Bush/neo-con agenda. They are as big a disgrace as Bush and his cronies. Whatever happened to the days of Woodward and Bernstein.

There truly needs to be a push to break up the media conglomerates. Let's go back to the way it used to be. You only can own one AM and FM station. You can't own a newspaper and a radio and television station. We need regulation!!!!!

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