Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Beginning Awaits: January 20th

Tomorrow our country will begin the long road back to respectability that the American people demanded overwhelming on November 4th. Hope is back here in the United States with the realization that righting the blunders of the last 8 years will take hard work and sacrifice. Not only on the part of our new President and his administration but also on us the American people.

What made this country great was the resilience and ingenuity of the American people to meet every challenge, not by going out and shopping, but by working hard and striving to do better. The people of the World War II generation sacrificed for the war effort, not only by serving in the military but also here at home.

President Kennedy challenged all Americans to give back to the country which had made it possible for all of us to dream the impossible dream and live that dream. Unfortunately, the last 8 years have shattered that dream and has turned us into a nation of self-indulgent hedonists who really are not concerned with the consequences of our actions as long as I get what I want and the hell with everyone else.

The President sets the tone for the nation. Roosevelt told us that we had nothing to fear but fear itself. Kennedy called us to serve to make our country better. Tomorrow I believe that President Obama will do the same: he will challenge us to sacrifice and work hard to make this country the best that it can be. He will challenge us by setting the tone that the American way is not to have things handed to us but its to put your nose to the grind stone and work through a tough situation. He will inspire us to take responsibility and to do our part in improving this country.

As Americans we need to take the challenge and not complain but show the resilience that our forefathers have exhibited. Tomorrow is the beginning to restore the lustre to the stars and stripes. Tomorrow is the beginning to restore the pride of being an American, not by putting a magnet on your car, but by showing through our actions that we are a country who cares about the most vulnerable, that cares about our environment and that cares about our neighbors both within our borders and around the world.

I await tomorrow believing in my heart that Barack Obama is the right person at the right time to lead this country. I pray for him and his family and for this country. The road will not be easy but together we can succeed. God Bless our new President!!!! God Bless the United States of America!!!!

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