Tuesday, September 9, 2008


In his speech at the Democratic Convention, Barack Obama sternly said "Enough" referring to the reckless policies of the Bush/McCain party. But now we lefties are saying to Barack and Biden: "ENOUGH"!!!! It's time to take the gloves off. To allow McCain/Palin to dictate this race is ridiculous. To allow Republicans to call Palin's lack of credibility sexist is ridiculous. There are legitimate policy questions as it pertains to the McCain/Palin ticket. This may be one of the most right-wing ticket this side of Barry Goldwater.

Obama and Biden need to call them out and they need to do it now!!! It's been published that maybe Obama made a mistake by not letting the 527's get involved. There is concern that the vast internet donor advantage that Obama has enjoyed has become sluggish. How that gets energized is by going after McCain/Palin. For many of us lefties, we've seen this story before. We need to come out swinging.

The unbelievable right-wing, evangelical background of Sarah Palin makes George Bush seem like an atheist. Is this where we want to go as a country?? How does this help our relations with other countries that are not Christian???

Barack go after them!! Paint the picture that they are: extremists who will not only continue down the disasterous road of George Bush but make it worse. Runaway spending, further isolation and no real solutions to the great domestic issues of our time: health care and energy/environment.

It is time. The fierce urgency of now!!! We can do this but we need to go after them!!! Barack and Joe its time to come out swinging!!!!!

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