Monday, September 15, 2008

The Flip-Flop Party = McCain\Palin

Remember the 2004 Election when John Kerry was called a flip flopper? You know I voted for it before I voted against it? It was a very effective strategy. The party that brought us this brilliant campaign slogan now has at the head of its ticket Pa & Ma Flip-Flop.

John McCain in denounced the right-wing evangelical movement headed by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell during the 2000 Presidential campaign. Pa Flip-Flop McCain now kowtows to the same group calling Rev Hagee a spiritual advisor, not to mention his selection of Sarah Palin.

John McCain was on the record as being opposed to the Bush tax-cuts. He believed that during a time of war everyone needed to sacrifice. Now during this campaign, Pa Flip-Flop McCain has decided that not only are the Bush tax-cuts necessary he's going to continue them. Apparently, now only the middle class and the poor have to sacrifice during a time of war.

John McCain stated that he was against torture. Having personally gone through it, he recognized that it provided inaccurate information and that it violated our principles as Americans. Pa Flip-Flop McCain now believes that torture is justified to keep the homeland safe.

Sarah Palin was for the Bridge to Knowwhere when she was campaigning for governor. Ma Flip-Flop tells us now she was against it. Sarah Palin actively pursued earmarks (pork barrel ) for her town. Ma Flip-Flop is now going to save our economy by eliminating earmarks.

Detect a pattern??? If they can't get their stories straight before they get in office can you imagine what will happen if they get elected????? Heaven help us!!!!!

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