Friday, September 12, 2008

The Right-Wing Corporate Media

This campaign is proving that the liberal media is a fallacy. Other than Air America, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, Bill Press, Randi Rhodes, the NY Times and locally John Restaino, the media is dominated by conservative Republican shills. FOX is the number one culprit, closely followed by that pillar of journalism, Rush Limbaugh. Locally, between Sandy Beach, Tom Bauerle and Kenny Hamilton (and lets not forget Scott Leffler) the coverage is pro-Republican. The ridiculous idolizing of Sarah Palin, a know-nothing empty head, and the overlooking of the inconsistency of John McCain illustrates it. In addition, the incredible focus on Barack Obama's pastor, his patriotism and his wife, also illustrates it especially since the same focus has not been given to Governor Palin and McCain.

Look at what has happened at MSNBC. Keith Olbermann is removed from the anchor desk of the network's election coverage because the parent company, NBC, did not like the criticism of the RNC. What happened to the media standing up to the power structure? If Woodward and Bernstein had to operate in today's society, Watergate would never have been uncovered. Of course in the 70's, the major media markets were diverse and not controlled by a small number of companies.

This is important because it will be important for all of us lefties to make sure the word gets out. Through the internet or letters to the editor, we need to blunt the crap that is spewed by the power elite media. This election is probably the most important one in the last 30 years. We either move forward and take our country back and restore America's greatness around the world or we continue down the road of intolerance at homea nd isolation around the world. It will not be easy, especially since we are fighting not only Conservatives but also the right-wing Conservative corporate media.

1 comment:

Bob Confer said...

Are we talking about the same Scott Leffler?

The Leffler I know is HATED by Republicans from Lockport to Albany to Washington.

Maziarz hates him. Tom Reynolds despises him.

There's even an ad on WLVL in which a right-wing caller calls Scott a "liberal, socialist pig"