Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trickle Down Doesn't Work!!!!!

Well, like a drunk hitting the wall after an all-night drinking binge, our economy could be on the verge of a total collapse. The Bush Administration, similar to the Iraq occupation, is looking for Congress to give it a blank $700 billion check. After watching some of Secretary Paulson's testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, its apparent that we are in serious trouble. But what bugs me is that we are expected to just go along without trying to correct the problem. And that problem is the de-regulation of the financial institutions of which John McCain and Phil Gramm were major architects.

As Barack Obama indicated in a speech on Monday, John McCain has suddenly become the great regulator. Hmmm... Here we go again, Pa Flip-Flop. If you are happy with the current financial situation then you should vote for Pa Flip-Flop McCain. And what really bugs me is when lower to middle class people have no problem with tax breaks for the rich. The notion that by giving them tax breaks they will reinvest and create jobs is a joke!!! It hasn't worked. It didn't work under Reagan and its not working now. Trickle down economics, Reaganomics doesn't work.

Keep in mind, Pa Flip-Flop's solution to the health care issue is to de-regulate the health care industry which would mean that American families will be at the mercy of health insurance companies. My bet would be that more people will not have health insurance coverage under Pa's plan.

This election is the most critical one of our time. Our beloved country is teetering on bankruptcy. Our standing in the world is at an all-time low. Our rights are being infringed upon at home. And the American Dream is becoming a thing of the past. Americans, now is the time to take back our country!!!! Wake Up!!!!!

1 comment:

John Restaino said...

Trickle down has never worked. Reagan and all the rest of the "Hate Government" crowd should be real proud of themselves. These people who are so anti-government are unpatriotic. If GrandPappi McSame wins kiss health care and social security goodbye. According to a study by the American Association of Health Care Provides; under McCain the uninsured will rise to 60 million!!