Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The more about Sarah Palin and local nut-jobs

It was only a matter of time before more information came out about Sarah Palin. Forget about her daughter Bristol's pregnancy. It's a non-issue. What's of more concern is the following: She was less than truthful about her opposition to the Bridge to Nowhere. In fact she supported it then opposed it. She received campaign contributions from the same people who supported Senator Stevens of Alaska who is under investigation. She is being investigated for misusing her authority as Governor to try to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. She was a member of the Alaska Independence Party which calls for Alaska to secede from the union. And finally, Palin's pastor Ed Kalnins said that those who voted for John Kerry were facing eternal damnation and that Jesus calls for us to be in constant war mode against terrorists.

If she was vetted, it certainly calls into question McCain's people who did the research. If Rev. Wright was a problem for Obama, then Rev. Kalnins is right there for Palin. If the right calls into question Michele Obama's patriotism, one has to call into question the patriotism of Palin who belonged to a political party that advocates secession. McCain's first big decision is looking like a disaster.

On a local note, there is a radio show on a local radio station which has a decidedly lefty bent. The John Restaino Show does a great job in articulating the progressive agenda and the host does a great job in calling out conservatives. Recently, the host called into question Palin and the G.O.P.'s stand on family values when the revelation of her pregnant 17 yr old daughter hit the papers. He never made a disparaging remark about Palin's daughter. He just pointed out the "do as I say not do as I do" mentality of the G.O.P.

The host was then attacked by a wacko right-wing nut who called into question whether the host had a child out-of-wedlock. This is typical right-wing crap. Last time I checked, a talk show host on little WJJL radio is not running for Vice President of the United States. But I bet he has as much business doing so as Sarah Palin. For one thing he's right on the issues. Hang in there John. These wackos want to silence you. It's a disgrace plain and simple.

1 comment:

John's wife said...

What a well written piece!!Listening to Palin's speech last night was absolutley sickening!!! More of the same, and always as offensive!!! It is incredible to me that people who scream their approval to this crooked message live in the same world, let alone the same country as I do. You hit the nail on the head when you described the way this "wacko" mentality starts at the top and works in way right down to the local level. The messaage drips with racism and self-righteousness from the stage in St. Paul to the radio in Niagara Falls. By the way, I am John's wife and we both appreciate your kind words about the show. Believe me we are not getting rich on WJJL, and if we were looking for personal attacks we would run for political office. I don't know if you heard the show today, but John mentioned this blog. Keep writing!!!