Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally, A Reasonable Budget That Eliminates Tax Breaks For Wealthy President Obama's budget brings credibility back by ending the Bush trick of not including the cost of the Iraq War in the budget and ending the ridiculous tax breaks that Bush and his cronies gave to the upper 3% of this country. Isn't it ironic that the big tax breaks received over the last 8 years has led to the biggest economic disaster this country has faced since the Depression??? Hmmm... I'm still waiting for Jindal, Sanford, McCain and company explain that. Maybe Joe the Plumber has the answer!!1


John Restaino said...

For eight years the freeloaders have been avoiding taxes. Even, with the Bush Tax cuts they still used loopholes and put there $$$ overseas. This was the reason i was such a avid support of President Obama. Cut Taxes and Spend doesn't work. Trickle down has never worked. It's the workers time to prosper.

David Tothill said...

1- The tax breaks did NOT cause the recession. Greedy banks and Wall Street investors did.
2- The real freeloaders are the welfare recipients. As for loopholes, you use them too: writing off interest paid on your mortgage; lowering your taxable income by declaring your children as dependents because YOU chose to have kids. The government (me) is paying you to have children. How ridiculous is that. At least the wealthy tax breaks come with a cost to them... "invest in this and we'll help you out", etc. It spurs growth. I assume you had kids because you wanted to have kids and not because you thought it was a good investment. Tax breaks are an incentive to do something you wouldn't normally do. Therefore, yax breaks to have a child you would of had anyways is a waste of money... MY money.

John Restaino said...

95% of Americans will be given tax breaks...Why are people fighting it??
The Wealthy have been FREELOADING for long enough!! If Tax breaks spur growth and President Bush gave tax breaks to wealthy Americans what happened?? 9/11 happened didn't...Tax cuts + Spending doesn't work. President Obama has begun the tough task of cleaning up 3 decades of greed. Started by Reagan.

David Tothill said...

I only have a second right now so I will explain in depth later, but these are NOT tax breaks. They are tax CREDITS... something we have to pay back at a later time. And why in hell do the jobless need tax breaks. Ahhhh, it's just another incentive for them not to work!!!!

John Restaino said...

Yep on the backs of the poor is where we will find solutions

David Tothill said...

That makes no sense. Hey John... I have an idea. We will start our own country,,, just you and me. Just so you know, I won't work. That means you will be happy to support me as well as yourself. Can you handle that challenge. Afterall, I'm a poor victim. Be moral and feed me daily.

John Restaino said...

You know what would be great in that country?? Is if you got into a accident and were unable to work..then you have no insurance...then you lose your job...your house...and your on the street...that's your country

David Tothill said...

The wealthy are NOT freeloaders. The top 5% wage-earners in this country pay 70% of all income tax collected. That is completely the opposite of being a freeloader. Since your staements are obvious lies it can only mean you are angry with yourself and trying to deflect blame on someone else because you don't want to admit that you are not doing your fair share.