Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shame on The Right!!!!

This past week illustrated the tone deafness of the right-wing individuals who call themselves Congress people. Not one Republican voted in favor of the Economic Stimulus package. In spite of President Obama's attempt at bipartisanship, this group headed by that wind bag John Boehner, voted lock, stock and barrel to continue the Bush/Republican created death spiral of the American economy. While these same windbags talk about the importance of protecting America, they continue to put roadblocks along the way to prevent the economy to bounce back.

Why are they doing this? Well, the public response is that they say we must be concerned about the ever growing national debt. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? This is the same crew that followed Bush and company over the edge of the cliff by spending like drunken sailors on a war that wasn't necessary nor that they new how to win. This is also the same crew that while they were spending like drunken sailors, they were giving tax cuts to their rich buddies who have led this economy to ruin. Do you think Bush would have called out the executives at Citigroup like Obama did last week?? I highly doubt it.

The real reason for the stonewalling is that these so called public servants are following the lead of that leader of right-wing blowhards Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has made it point to say that he hopes President Obama fails. He says that because he knows that this country is ready for change from the neo-con agenda that has dominated this country over the last 8 years. He also knows that if the President is successful, Republicans will be left in the wilderness in Washington for years to come. Boehner and company realize that they will be relegated to minority status for a long time. Damn doing what's right for the country, I need to have my committee chairmanship back again!!!!

The party that lived and died on fighting terrorism is now furthering the mission of Osama Bin Laden by bringing this country's economy down the tubes making us weaker. They are domestic terrorists!!!!!!!!

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