Friday, February 6, 2009

Niag Co. Dems: We're Screwed!!!!

This past week I was listening to The John Restaino Show and John had Dan Rivera, Niagara County Democratic Chmn. on one day and Henry Wojtaszek on the following day. If you want to know why despite an enrollment majority for registered Democrats in the County they are in the hopeless minority in the County Legislature all you had to do was to listen to John's show. Rivera was so out of control that at one point the host had to tell him to calm down. Rivera could not come up with anything insightful except for his connect the dot conspiracy theories.

Wojtaszek on the other hand conducted an intelligent conversation and while there was disagreement it was good dialogue. And that's why people gravitate to the local GOP and shun the circus like local Democratic party. The Democrats here locally are a joke and the clown prince is Rivera. With Democrats in control of Washington and Albany we are screwed because there is no way the Niagara County party will be taken seriously.

I'm not making the local GOP to be the best thing since sliced bread but Wojtaszek is a player on the state level in his party while Rivera is a considered a buffoon. Until Democrats rid themselves of this bad joke, we are going nowhere. Let me ask this question: where is Francine DelMonte??? I guess all she cares about is herself. But that's the problem with the local Democratic party: clueless, self-absorbed and petty politicians. If we are lucky, someone will rescue us. We can only hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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