Friday, May 22, 2009

Cheney, McNulty, NFMMC, And More....

After being on the road most of the week, just some things in my head as I'm watching the Red Wings pushing the Black Hawks to the brink....

- Maybe someone needs to tell Dick Cheney he is no longer in power. His ridiculous performance this week in a speech after President Obama's speech was really a joke and disrespectful. It must be tough to see a President who can think and speak at the same time as opposed to the man-puppet he teamed up with to get us in the mess that we are in. Cheney's defense of torture, Gitmo and the Iraq War is disturbing but illustrates what a dangerous individual he is. The more he talks, the bigger hole he digs. But maybe he's trying to taint the jury pool for when he's charged with war crimes.

- The Andrea McNulty situation represents what's wrong with the political parties here in Niagara County. You can't tell me that the Republican Party didn't know what McNulty was doing. But hey, we are overwhelmingly in control that we can do what we want. It's called arrogance and that's what exudes from the Niagara County Republicans. Ms.McNulty was playing a cute game and she got caught. Then we have the Democratic Party. You use your litle boy to rat out a Republican leaning Democratic legislator??? Kind of disgusting. So now that they've outed McNulty now what's going to happen??? Do they have a candidate??? Can that candidate win??? My thought is probably not. Maybe the Niagara County Democrats ought to try to get good candidates and maybe raise some money as opposed to using a little boy to stake out an opponent. With the state of both parties, you wonder why we are in the state that we are in.

- The NFMMC story was mentioned in the NF Reporter this week. The critical question is: what did Joe " Gotti" Ruffalo know about the fraud scheme that was being pulled by the hospital's hired collection agency??? The other question is: where is Assemblywoman Del Monte, Senator Thompson and Senator Maziarz in all this??? These are state Medicaid dollars that was being stolen on top of the fact that this facility receives casino money. Why aren't our State representatives asking questions??? There needs to be a thorough investigation of NFMMC. And while were at it, every Board member of the hospital should be made to resign!!!! If they don't I wouldn't give them another dime of casino money. Maziarz has said that the City of NF couldn't run a lemonade stand, well Don Ruffalo couldn't run one either, yet they get unquestioned casino money.

- The NF Water Board should be ashamed of themselves. Callously telling homeowners in the 56th Street area that they are out of luck for the water damage to their homes as a result of a broken water line is a joke!!! I smell arrogance again. I hope these people take them in front of a judge. It's totally disgusting.....

- It's good to see Ted Kennedy back in action and pushing for national health care. I am so tired of the stalling and stammering on the part of the health insurance companies and their lackies on Capitol Hill. The President can certainly use The Liberal Lion's help to push this through. As I've said before, if it doesn't happen this year it will be a while before we get a shot again.

- And finally, do you remember how after the Iraq War started how anyone who criticized Bush was considered unpatriotic because we were at war??? Hmmn....we are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan yet the Chicken Hawk neo-cons can't stop criticzing President Obama and leading the way is Mr."7 deferments of the Vietnam War" Cheney leading the way. Hypocrites everyone. As Ed Schultz said today, the neo-cons want to see the economy tank and the nation be attacked so they can blame it on the President. These are so-called patriots??? PPLLLLEEAASEEEE!!!!!

Oh my its's hoping the Hawks pull this out!!!


John Restaino said...

The Hawks Suck!!! OVERRATED

John Restaino said...

Hey Lefty,

Why do you link the NF Reporter on your site?? I have to say I am stunned by that...Because if you think they are "uncovering" something..well, you know what never's a waste of time because love fiction.

John Restaino said...

After reading the ridiculous "same-sex marriage" article printed by the Reporter....I think you being a liberal should stop advertising there site.