Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Notre Dame: The Pope Has It Right!!!

Monday I read on the MSNBC website a report from the Vatican pertaining to the Pope's reaction to Notre Dame's invitation to President Obama to speak at its commencement and Pope Benedict was on the money. Please remember that when Benedict was selected Pope it was believed to be a victory for conservative Catholics. However, the arch-conservative American bishops who blasted Notre Dame had to be unhappy with the Pope's response. Basically, the Pope indicated that it was more important to focus on the common ground with the President: to work toward limiting the number of abortions and making it easier for people to adopt. The Pope, as the President, understands that the differences between Pro-Life and Pr0-Choice are irreconcilable. However, its important to find the common ground: to limit the number of abortions. What this acknowledges is that being Pro-Choice does not make you Pro-Abortion.

The Pope's position indicates that the arch-conservative Catholic bishops have become political shills for the neo-con Rovian element of the Republican Party. They need to wake up and follow the lead of the Pope. It's funny also how you didn't read much about this or hear about it in the mainstream media. Geez, I wonder why??? I'm sure many of Catholics are not aware of the Pope's comments. I wonder if I will hear about it at Church this Sunday.

1 comment:

John Restaino said...

i would be willing to bet you won't hear anything about it. The churches contradictions are amazing and almost make me dizzy.