Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two Factors Trying To Kill Health Care Reform

President Obama boldly has place health care reform on the table stating that he wants something done by the end of this year. In the November election, Americans who decisively elected Obama wanted health care reform. Most surveys indicate that this is necessary. Yet, two factors are working hard to kill health care reform.

Number One: The Grand Obstructionist Party- As Ed Schultz said on his show the other day, the GOP is gravely concerned that if President Obama gets action on health care reform Democrats will rule for years like what happened after 1934. Damn what's in the best interest of the American people it's all about taking back control. They should be ashamed of themselves!!! They refuse to deal with the problem and will not come up with anything credible except espousing the tired old mantra: Americans will lose control of their own health care, we won't have any say in how we will be treated, etc., etc,. Let's stop the propaganda!!!

Number Two: Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill) said that members of the Senate are bought and paid for by the insurance companies and one of them is Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana). Baucus chairs a committee dealing with health care reform and banned advocates of single payer health insurance from speaking. Are you kidding me!!!!!! This guy is a disgrace... This is actually more of a problem than item number one becaus eif Democrats stuck together we could get this done.

I honestly believe that the President is going to have to expend plenty of political capital on "bought and paid for Democrats." The President has said, "this is our time" and he is right. If we don't get health care reform done this year I'm afraid we are doomed. I think the public needs to get after these people and remind them that they represent us not the Insurance companies. If anyone can pull this off President Obama can. Not only can he do it,
he must do it.

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