Friday, May 1, 2009

Western NY or Western Kentucky???

Today as I was driving home I was thinking about the state of local radio here in Western NY especially as it relates to political commentary. As I thought about it you have Tom Bauerle and Sandy Beach who are 2 Hannity/Limbaugh wannabes. I stopped listening to them many years ago. They are flat out ridiculous!!!! The you have Scott Leffler. What is he all about??? I don't think he knows either. He's so self promoting its terrible.

Of course there is Tom Darro but he is so out of it politically I think that its all WJJL can really handle. Unfortunately, the only progressive voice has been silenced. John Restaino's show ended today and its really a shame. Enlightening political discussion was great. But now its gone. John had a great temperment and was right on the issues. So it hit me, there is no lefty local talkers!!!!!! I must be in Western Kentucky. Here's hoping John lands another gig on a local radio station. Some how I think WJJL wanted him out. John was pretty gracious about JJL but something doesn't add up because I know many people who listened to the show every day. Why would he leave so abruptly??? This is why us lefties need to be on guard!!!!!! Good luck John and I hope to hear you somewhere soon!!!!

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