Monday, May 11, 2009

NF Reporter Right On Fournier!!!!

This afternoon I read the NF Reporter article online pertaining to the Councilman Fournier debacle. Mike Hudson gets it: A city government with racial issues now has a City Councilman shouting racial slurs and getting into an altercation with City police officers. Hudson touches on something I stated last week: Fournier says he doesn't remember using racial slurs. So either he is a liar or Fournier was "bombed out of his gourd." Either way, Fournier needs to step down.

Hudson's article points out that both Bob Anderson and Charles Walker have suggested to Fournier that he should resign. However, this has been done privately while Mayor Dyster has been quiet. As I stated last week, our City leadership needs to make a statement that this type of behavior is unacceptable for an elected official and that unless Fournier is totally exonerated he must resign. Yet, we hear nothing from 745 Main Street.

The Mayor and City Council need to make a statement that this type of behavior cannot be tolerated. Fournier may be a nice guy but being a City Councilman requires responsible leadership for all of the residents of this city. Instead of acting as a responsible City Father, Fournier has acted like an immature City Teenager. Own up Steve and resign!!!!! And if he fails to do the honorable thing, then the Mayor and City Council must push the issue. Failure to do so means they condone Fournier's behavior and maybe explains why racial issues continue to plague city government.


John Restaino said...

Why continue to kiss the NF Reporters butt!! I just don't understand it. It's all mis-information and attempts at intimidation...While I read your blog everyday i don't understand this!! It is a conservative weekly...The equivlant of Hannity in ink.

TRex said...

I don't agree with them all the time, but in this case they are right. My main concern is not the Reporter its Fournier. This city has a race problem and city leaders need to have the guts to call this guy out. Neither one of the other papers have had the nerve to do an editorial calling for this jerk's resignation.

John Restaino said...

The problem I see is that you can't trust the people quoted in the stories. Honestly, this has nothing to do with right or wrong. I think a "blind" person could see that Fournier should resign. So, the newspapers are afraid to call out Fournier??? Why?? Is he going to beat them up?? This is just another way for the Weekly paper to attack the Mayor. My concern is that a weekly tabloid that tries to intimidate and fabricate receives such praise. The weekly,& Fournier are the problem. I called out the race problem in an editorial I wrote:
So, to praise that weekly for having guts to call out something because it smacked them in the face I think is reaching. Enough is Enough!!

TRex said...

I don't disagree with your assessment on the Reporter, but I think the point that's being missed is that the other two papers have NOT pushed on this issue or the whole issue of race. Yes, I remember your guest view but that was from you not the Gazette.

Do you remember when the Personnel Director for the City grabbed some woman at a bar on Third Street?? At that time the Mayor (not sure if it was Pallilo or Galie) came out and said that if the Director was not cleared of the allegations he would be terminated. We have heard nothing from any government official other than Robbins' lame response which I talked about in my first post on the subject. Why isn't the press asking the questions that need to be asked.

I really don't give a damn if the Reporter closed up tomorrow. Their coverage is not unbiased and I know that. But I also know that no other local newspaper has called out Fournier nor pressed city leaders on the issue.

Any news yet John on a new show for you???? I truly miss listening from 10 - 11. Hope something comes up soon until then I've moved over to listening to Stephanie Miller.

John Restaino said...

Thanks for having listened to my show. I am still working on a few things to get back on the air.
My problem is that I feel the Reporter is no better then my "guest view". It's a blog just like yours ;just on paper. I don't feel they should be legitimized. They are part of the problem NOT the solution. Your prediction of Blackhawks v. Penguins might come true. i am seriously considering writing my own weekly and distributing it too local business. I am pretty sure I could get advertising. Like I said it is Hannity in print.