Friday, February 20, 2009

Alan Keyes: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!

Tonight's revelation that Alan Keyes has called President Obama a communist who must be stopped is another despicable example of the desperate nature of the right wing nut jobs of the Grand Obstructionist Party. Keyes went on to say that "President Obama must be stopped" crosses the line and must be considered an inciting statement for some nut job who will take Keyes seriously. Keyes trots out the old "Obama is not President because he was born in Africa" and goes on to say that "members of the military will not take orders from an illegitimate Commander in Chief ". This is treason!!!! When does it end.


David Tothill said...

Hey Einstein, as always you solicit hate by enflaming passions with lies. Case in point: Look up what treason is. (Of course, though, when you are a liberal and unfamiliar with the truth then you only have lies, gossip, rhetoric, insinuations, and inuendos to work with. But don't worry, if any liberals can read, they can be amused easily like a baby with a crib mobile.)

TRex said...

Tothill: I solicit hate???? You and the rest of your Conservative buddies haven't found a group that you can't hate unless they believe everything you do. It is really tiring reading your condescending rants when you can't and won't face reality: CONSERVATIVES CAUSED THE MESS WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW!!!! Deny that if you will but that is the way it is. Keyes, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Bauerle and the rest like them are thinking this is the 90's again when they went on their campaign to destroy the last Democratic presidency. Good luck to them and you. In the mean time the rest of us will work to bring our country back to greatness.

John Restaino said...

Hey little Einstien,
How can you question the intelligence of liberals when Sarah Palin is the leader of the COVSERVATIVES!! Foolish

David Tothill said...

1- Yes, you do solicit hate.
2- My conservative buddies, like most of America, only hate liars.
3- The liberal regime created this financial catastrophe with their greed.
4- The presidency is alive and kicking.
6- Sarah Palin is not the head of the Conservative Party.

As always, you two make awesome story tellers. You both scour the airwaves and newswires looking for any shred of news that can be twisted and turned to make Republicans and Conservatives look bad. It is your lame attempt to divert attention away from the selfish and whiny liberals who are out to steal as much as possible from the people who work and pay taxes. Luckily, you two cater to mindless souls who are looking for a justification for their hatred and selfishness. As their dictators, you two know their minds are feeble and diabolical, and you feed on it like rats in a sewer.
However, as more and more hard-working people realize this, the farther you two grasp for straws in hopes of keeping any audience you once commanded. I feel sorry for both of you... drowning in your self-made seas of pity.

John Restaino said...


What story are you telling??
"However, as more and more hard-working people realize this, the farther you two grasp for straws in hopes of keeping any audience you once commanded. I feel sorry for both of you... drowning in your self-made seas of pity."...What country do you live in??? Don't you realize people from east to west have rejected Conservatism. Check out the elections. You are numbers guy and they don't lie.

The liberal regime created this financial mess??...hmmm...lets start back with Mr.Deregulation himself Ronald Reagen, followed by the biggest spending govt ever George W....Spending with NO revenue coming in. Business has had there way for years now. Tax break after tax break...Do you know what Big Business does??? They put there $$$ in off-shore accounts even with Bush's nonsense (tax policy). I am sorry David you can't write history to serve your agenda. Conservativism is a "fringe" movement. No one is listening. I don't care about how many people listen to Limbaugh either because it doesn't matter. The voters of this country are at best Center/Left. The Neo-Con movement has always been about winning elections through fear. Example, in '04 lets "scare" everyone about the "gays" or when we have nothing left because our policies (ie: taxation,economics...) are rejected there is always the Guns or abortion to fall back on! Give me a break David. By the way you are always welcome to debate me about this live on air. "Whiney Liberals" ....did you see Boehner?? Never seen a guy cry more then that.
Your Conservative buddies hate liars?? Well, I guess if you lie enough to yourself it become truth. You and your Conservative buddies should try the TRUTH and stop making up history to suit your whiney,mindless ideology. Once again I would LOVE to debate you on the air...But you won't do it becuase YOU know that your rantings have no facts; just nonsense you repeat from RUSH your Lord and savior.

David Tothill said...

I hate repeating myself, but I am a proud American and I will fight for the truth as long as necessary. So feel free to continue saying exactly what I say but inserting different names or labels. The last original thought you had you flushed down the toilet this morning. I educate through numbers and all you do is say Republicans and Conservatives are bad. Wow. You are a tough opponent, hahahahahaha. Your buddy thinks I'm long-winded (a slur), but I am proud to say I am THOROUGH. I won't let you two destroy America. I will always stand up to terrorists like you.
And you're right, we do need revenue coming in. So get off your lazy a__ and go get a job instead of soaking up all the resources that REAL Americans produced. You hate Mr. Bush for spending money, but you love him for donating about $1,000,000,000,000 a year to people like you. Do you even read what you write. Oh yeah... I get it now. The hand-outs are okay, but the money that is coming in should come from other people, not you. You're special. Forget Obama... all hail John Restaino... the annoited one!
You're pathetic! You should be ashamed to call yourself a man.

TRex said...


You always question people's manhood, what's that all about?? You refuse to recognize that your bull shit ideology has been repudiated by a majority of the American people. The glory days are over for you Tothill. The problem is that you hate it when liberals stand up to your lies. That's why I started this blog to fight the lies that you and your like spew constantly as evidenced by Keyes, Limbaugh, etc. You disgust me Tit

David Tothill said...

Trex, don't cry. I'm sorry I upset you. I never should have called attention to your greed and selfishness. I never should have questioned you when you demeaned, belittled and flat out bad-mouthed half of America. You're right... 1000% right. And if you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you. Oh wait, you're a lazy, pathetic liberal so I guess I have to build the bridge myself and give it to you. Be a man for God's sake and go get a job. TRex = Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Restaino said...

So you are questioning my manlyness..Oh David, the only coward I see is you ...because I will call you out everyday on the radio this week and you will slither under a rock and call Tom Darro. David you are such a man..come on the show!! But No..Booohoooo I got to work ....boooohooo Be a man and face me ...

David Tothill said...

Are you fucking deaf? I worrrrrrk for a living. I have a job. I'm sorry, I shouldn't use big words like "job" that you have no comprehension of. Oh Einstein, if I don't work then I don't pay taxes and you can't collect welfare. And dumdum, I did call your show on Thursday. Remember? Oh yeahhhhhh. Did you forget or did you just hear what you wanted to hear?
And yes, if you refuse to work then I question your manhood. You're pathetic to expect other people to support your lazy ass every day from now till the day you die. Even prisoners work and they're scumbags. Are you lower than a scumbag? No need to answer; we already know the answer to that.

John Restaino said...


Watch yourself...don't let your computer muscles get the best of you. called the show and made absolutley NO point!! You are a tough guy though...

David Tothill said...

It never ends with you. Bababooey and I make points and you respond to us and conservatives with slurs and saying we didn't make a point. Sometimes you change the topic. Sometimes you spew inciteful words. Sometimes you embellish or assume. Sometimes you avoid my questions. Sometimes you are 2-faced. Sometimes you play the "I know what you are, but what am I" game.
But do you know what you never do? You never give pure facts. And that is a fact. Credibility isn't self-proclaimed; it is earned.

TRex said...


You are the gutless one. You call Darro and you respond on my post during the day what kind of job do you have??? It goes back to what I said you can't stand it that us liberals are fighting back!!!!

David Tothill said...

Ummm, what does my kind of job have to do with being gutless? I'm sorry, but I don't see the conection. But then again, I'm not nearly as brilliant as you. Afterall, you're as sharp as a bowling ball.
Oh, you're not fighting back; you simply continue to yell out baseless opinions in the hope that someone out there is smart enough to piece together your vomit into a coherent sentence, yet dumb enough to believe it.
Run home to your mommy little girl. That's it... run with all your might.

Anonymous said...

Keep running then when you get to The Trott Vocation Building........try to find yourself a job cause Dave and I sure do........we pay for our meals. You cannot refute that FACT. WE BUST OUR ASSES AT WORK. BOTH OF YOU DO NOTTTTTT